
許多知名獨立樂團對此樂評有佳的Seeking The Ocean(尋找海洋大樂隊),音樂
風格為後硬蕊(Post-hardcore),團名中"Seeking"表示在創作中尋求自我意念,"Ocean"海洋是萬物的起源;於是Seeking The Ocean在創作中追尋自我與展現真實情感,盡情享受造物主給的最純粹的禮物。

「擇你所愛」,人生如果沒有一件自己喜歡做的事情,空虛與浪費的想法,就會伴隨在生活中所做的每件大小事上;「愛你所擇」,如果沒有秉持著這句話作為原則,很 難完成眼前要做的事情與目標。但無論是這兩句話的哪一句,總會被太多額外的事物覆蓋,使人忘卻最開始熱愛某件事的初衷。所以要不斷為自己的目標與熱忱奮 鬥,才能走到最後那個能讓自己安適的地方。

iCD Seeking The Ocean《Don't Wake Up Before The Moment》
〈The Choice We Choose, The Future We Build〉歌曲下載

作詞: Seeking The Ocean|作曲: Seeking The Ocean

Can you imagine ?
the result we caused
the wind still blows without the leaves flying by
the choice we choose , the future we'll build
now we cheer for the humanity death
we are watching the world fall
praying for a miracle
but our hands are all covered with the blood
for the people sacrifice for this war
for the future we can not ignore
we still have the chance 

This is not the end of the world
we're just standing at the edge of the world
one step to fall
the fire in our hands
we play it till we're burned
we know (we know)
its one step to fall
but we still can't help but hold

(This is not the end of the world
we're just standing at the edge of the world 
one step to fall) *4

We still have chance*3

This is not the end of the world
we're just standing at the edge of the world
one step to fall
the fire in our hands
we play it till we're burned
we know (we know)
its one step to fall
but we still can't help but hold

Keep singing,keep seeking,keep fighting,
till the end of the world *2

「Seeking The Ocean」粉絲專頁


    創作者 iCD銀河愛音樂 的頭像

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